Man must have hope, he must have something marvelous….

“Man must have hope, he must have something marvelous, he must have a future state; for he feels himself made to live beyond this visible world. Among the people, magic, necromancy, are but the instinct of religion, and one of the most striking proofs of the necessity of worship.

Men are ready to believe everything, when they believe nothing. They have divines, when they cease to have prophets; witchcraft, when they renounce religious ceremonies, and open the caverns of sorcery, when they shut the temples of the Lord” —F. A. Chateaubriand.

F. A. Chateaubriand. As quoted in Secret Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. P. 228. By Mlle M. A. Le Normand,
Translated By Jacob M. Howard; Esq. Vol. 1. 1848.