Faustbook The original (1592*) P. F. Gent. English-language translation. Shown are the understanding Faustus and Mephostophiles came to, and Faustus’ subsequent signed letter and deed.The Understanding:The second time of the Spirits appearing to Faustus in his house, and of their parley. Chap. 4.Faustus continuing in his diuelish cogitations, neuer mouing out of the place where the Spirit left him (such was his feruent loue to the diuel) the night approching, this swift flying Spirit appeared to Faustus, offering himself with al submissiô to his seruice, with ful authority from his Prince to doe whatsoeuer he would request, if so be Faustus would promise to be his: this answere I bring thee, and an answere must thou make by me againe, yet will I heare what is thy desire, because thou hast sworne me to be here at this time. Doctor Faustus gaue him this answere, though faintly (for his soules sake) That his request was none other but to become a Diuel, or at the least a limme of him, and that the Spirit should agree vnto these Articles as followeth. 1 That he might be a Spirite in shape and qualitie.2 That Mephostophiles should be his seruant, and at his commandement.3 That Mephostophiles should bring him any thing, and doo for him whatsoeuer.4 That at all times he should be in his house, inuisible to all men, except onely to himselfe, and at his commandement to shew himselfe.5 Lastly, that Mephostophiles should at all times appeare at his command, in what forme or shape soeuer he would.Vpon these poynts the Spirit answered Doctor Faustus, thatall this should be granted him and fulfilled, and more if he would agree vnto him vpon certaine Articles as followeth.First, that Doctor Faustus should giue himselfe to his Lord Lucifer, body and soule.Secondly, for confirmation of the same, he should make him a wri- ting, written with his owne blood.Thirdly, that he would be an enemie to all Christian people.Fourthly, that he would denie his Christian beleefe.Fiftly, that he let not any man change his opinion, if so bee any man should goe about to disswade, or withdraw him from it.Further, the spirit promised Faustus to giue him certaine yeares to liue in health and pleasure, and when such yeares were expired, that then Faustus should be fetched away, and if he should holde these Articles and conditions, that then he should haue all whatsoeuer his heart would wish or desire; and that Faustus should quickly perceiue himself to be a Spirit in all maner of actions whatsoeuer. Hereupon Doctor Faustus his minde was so inflamed, that he forgot his soule, and promised Mephostophiles to hold all things as hee had mentioned them: he thought the diuel was not so black as they vse to paynt him, nor hell so hote as the people say, &c.Pasted from <http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.03.0001%3Achapter%3D4> Faustbook – The First Contract:How Doctor Faustus set his blood in a saucer on warme ashes, and writ as followeth. Chap. 6I Iohannes Faustus, Doctor, doe openly acknowledge with mine ownehand, to the greater force and strengthning of this Letter, that siththence I began to studie and speculate the course and order of the Elements, I haue not found through the gift that is giuen mee from aboue, any such learning and wisdome, that can bring mee to my desires: and for that I find, that men are vnable to instruct me any farther in the matter, now haue I Doctor John Faustus, vnto the hellish prince of Orient and his messenger Mephostophiles, giuen both bodie & soule, vpon such condition, that they shall learne me, and fulfill my desire in all things, as they haue promised and vowed vnto me, with due obedience vnto me, according vnto the Articles mentioned betweene vs.Further, I couenant and grant with them by these presents, that at the end of 24. yeares next ensuing the date of this present Letter, they being expired, and I in the meane time, during the said yeares be serued of them at my wil, they accomplishing my desires to the full in al points as we are agreed, that then I giue them full power to doe with mee at their pleasure, to rule, to send, fetch, or carrie me or mine, be it either body, soule, flesh, blood, or goods, into their habitation, be it wheresoeuer: and herevpon, I defie God and his Christ, all the hoast of heauen, and all liuing creatures that beare the shape of God, yea all that liues; and againe I say it, and it shall be so. And to the more strengthning of this writing, I haue written it with mine owne hand and blood, being in perfect memory, and herevpon I subscribe to it with my name and title, calling all the infernall, middle, and supreme powers to witnesse of this my Letter and subscription.Iohn Faustus, approued in the Elements1, and the spirituall Doctor. Pasted from <http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.03.0001%3Achapter%3D6> Faustbook – The Second Contract:How Doctor Faustus wrote the second time with his owne blood and gaue it to the Diuell. Chap. 49.I Doctor John Faustus, acknowledge by this my deede and handwriting, that sith my first writing, which is seuenteene yeares, that I haue right willingly held, and haue been an vtter enemy vnto God and all men, the which I once againe confirme, and giue fully & wholly my selfe vnto the Diuel both body and soule, euen vnto the great Lucifer: and that at the ende of seuen yeares ensuing after the date of this letter, he shall haue to doe with me according as it pleaseth him, either to lengthen or shorten my life as liketh him: and herevpon I renounce 1 all perswaders that seeke to withdrawe mee from my purpose by the word of God, either ghostly or bodily. And further, I will neuer giue eare vnto any man, be he spirituall or temporall, that moueth any matter for the saluation of my soule. Of all this writing, and that therein contained, be witnesse, my own bloud, the which with mine own hands I haue begun, and ended.Dated at Wittenberg the 25. of July.Pasted from <http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.03.0001%3Achapter%3D49> Thoms, William John, ed. Early English Prose Romances. . London: Nattali and Bond, 1858. Pasted from <http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.03.0001> (*) From the notes embedded in the XML download of the book:“This edition is the oldest extant. It was printed between May and December, 1592.”