Germany: Magic became associated with the Devil. Catholics had “magical” rites. Sensibly, magic being diabolical (according to the Church, it shouldn’t be part of the church, but prayer, blessings, sainthood, and other trappings of the (Catholic) Church were very much magical. Protestants protested (literally) that that wasn’t right.]The Magician in Medieval German Literature By Jon B. ShermanPasted from <>
“…Ideas of the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth centuries have also shaped our modern perception of the Devil, as well as the connection between the Devil, demons and magic. This is also the period in which necromancy was officially condemned as heresy. During this foundational time in the understanding of the Devil, demons and sorcery, a number of medieval German narratives strove to anchor the connection between magic and demons—and between magic and heretical and unchristian beliefs—in the figure of the magician. In their treatment of their magicians, Rudolf von Ems’s Barlaam und Josaphat. Wirnt von Grafenberg’s Wigalois and Johann von Wurzburg’s Wilhelm von Osterreich prefigure the developments mentioned above and clearly link magic to the Devil, demons and heresy”
Oops. Oh well. Given the corruption at the highest levels of the Church it was inevitable that people would link the Church and Satan eventually. Yes, Protestants have their magical moments too.