How to Make the Devil go Away:
Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.
• James, IV. 7
How to make the devil go away? We’ve come across suggestions over time. Flesh is weak. Knowledge is power.
- Laugh, ridicule
- Deal
- Face him. Demand his name
- Command him in Jesus’ name
- Faith
- Prayer (including the Lord’s Prayer and specific Catholic prayers)
- Name of Jesus
- Sign of the cross
- Fasting
- Blowing on him (simulating the breath of God)
- The sound of a shofar.
- Exorcism
- Bible and relics and rituals
- Music (Martin Luther – “the devil cannot stand gaiety.”)
- Avoid temptation (Martin Luther – Seek out pleasant company). Stop sinning.
- Hang a horseshoe over your door (
This list is just a partial list, and if you think you’re under attack from a devil we suggest you consider what Europe did – apply reason.