[Twentieth century psychedelic adventurer Terence McKenna suggested that the Biblical manna which sustained the Jews during their migration from Egypt to the promised land had characteristics of the Psilocybin mushroom. That’s different from claiming it was the biblical manna, but the broader point is that entheogens could have had a role in Biblical events, as entheogens have prominent roles in other religions. While Psilocybin may have some characteristics of manna, it doesn’t have many.]
“A number of ethnomycologists, including Terence McKenna, have suggested that most characteristics of manna are similar to that of Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, notorious breeding grounds for insects, which decompose rapidly. These peculiar fungi naturally produce a number of molecules that resemble human neurochemicals, and first appear as small fibres (mycelia) that resemble hoarfrost. Psilocybin, the primary psychoactive molecule in the “Psilocybe cubensis” mushroom, has shown to produce spiritual experiences, with “personal meaning and spiritual significance” when test subjects were evaluated 14 months later. In a psilocybin study from 2006 one-third of the participants reported that the experience was the single most spiritually significant moment of their lives and more than two-thirds reported it was among the top five most spiritually significant experiences. A side-effect from psilocybin consumption is the loss of appetite. The speculation that manna was an entheogen, also paralleled in Philip K. Dick’s posthumously published The Transmigration of Timothy Archer, is supported in a wider cultural context when compared with the praise of soma in the Rigveda, Mexican praise of teonanácatl, the peyote sacrament of the Native American Church, and the holy ayahuasca used in the ritual of the União do Vegetal and Santo Daime churches.”Pasted from <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manna>