“The authority for such pacts is *Isaias*(*Isaiah*) xxviii which in the Vulgate translation reads: “Foryou have said we have entered into a league with death, and wehave made a covenant with hell.” Both Origen and Augustinemention these pacts and the scholastic philosophers distinguishbetween express and implied pacts. The former consists in actually evoking the demon, the latter in merely expecting helpfrom him. The demon here refers to any evil spirit, and therewere vast numbers of such.” http://www.satanservice.org/propaganda/occ.60sc.txtA History of Witchcraft, Magic and Occultism, by W.B. Crow,
Wilshire Book Company, 1968; pp. 228-30.Pasted from <http://www.satanservice.org/propaganda/occ.60sc.txt>